Individual therapy or counseling is extremely personal and tailored to the individual. Sessions are typically weekly and last for 50 minutes. Dr. Khaleghian works collaboratively with each person to help identify the goals for therapy.

Therapy can help you accomplish your personal and professional goals, along with increasing self-awareness and acceptance, learning skills to regulate emotions and change negative thinking, improve communication and quality of relationships, which may help improve overall quality of life.


Dr. Khaleghian provides therapy to people struggling with:

  • Anxiety/Stress-Management

  • Depression 

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • Addiction and Substance Abuse 

  • Relationship/Intimacy Problems 

  • Sexual Dysfunctions/sexuality 

  • Issues of Adolescence/Young Adulthood 

  • Sexual Orientation (LGBTQ) 

  • Major Life Changes
